Caitlin with EcoCajun.com will be stopping in for the next few Wednesday’s leading up to Earth Day on April 22nd to give us tips on how you can go green.
Tips for Earth Month
Use your reusable bags!
By investing in a few cloth shopping bags, you will eliminate so many plastic bags from the waste stream. Bags end up in landfills and littered outside, then end up in drains and then our waterways. Some stores also give 5 cents off for each cloth bag you use.
Recycle as much as you can.
Paper, cans, bottles and plastic #1-7 go in the curbside recycling bin and are accepted at the drop-off point. Bottle caps, styrofoam and pizza boxes or frozen food boxes are not recyclable! Plastic bags are not recyclable in your curbside bin, but you CAN bring them to your local grocery store.
Conserve energy at home.
Whether you change your lightbulbs to CFLs, you make sure to turn off the lights when you leave the room, or you turn your thermostat up a couple degrees, you’ll help lower your utility bill.
Keep a reusable coffee/tea mug at work.
Avoid the disposable cups by reusing your mug every day. You’ll get to show off your style, and you’ll eliminate a lot of trash. Go even further by stirring your coffee or tea with a spoon instead of those stirrers.
Get involved in your community.
We have some great organizations around Lafayette that focus on keeping the city clean, green and litter-free!
Happy Earth Month Everyone!