A photography studio in Lafayette is holding a panty drive to help women for the holidays!!
A. Dannette Photography, a boudoir studio, and the Junior League of Lafayette are partnering to collect panties and feminine products for EmpowHER. EmpowHER is a Junior League of Lafayette program that helps women in need have better access to feminine hygiene products.
The panty drive will take place in the month of December.
Those living in poverty may not have proper access to feminine hygiene products. For a young girl in school, this can be embarrassing, especially if the school does not provide supplies to managed an unexpected menstrual cycle.
The panty drive is not just for under garments. This drive is collecting girls cotton briefs (pre-teen and junior sizes), tampons, maxi pads, and sanitizing wipes. Click here to see the entire list of items need.
Items can be dropped off at Junior League of Lafayette Headquarters at 504 Richland Ave, Lafayette, LA 70508, or A. Dannette Boudoir studio at 104 Prince St, Lafayette, LA.
Source: A. Dannette Photography