In previous years, the Scott Mardi Gras Parade has been held on Sunday. The 2024 parade will be this Saturday, February 3rd. There are other changes as well. You’ll no longer be able to stake out a spot in advance. That won’t be allowed ’til 6 am Saturday.
The parade rolls at 10am from Delhomme & Apollo. Roads will close promptly at 9:30. Officials anticipate a 3 hour duration. Vehicles blocking roadways will be towed at owner expense. No sexually explicit material of any kind will be allowed on the parade route. That includes music. There will be a zero tolerance policy.
A Dinner et Danse will be held Friday evening from 6 to 9 at La Maison de Begnaud. Kevin Naquin & the Ossun Playboys will provide the music. There will be chicken & sausage gumbo and a costume contest.
Source: Scott Business Association
Blog by Steve Wiley