By Conner Branson
For months we have been indoors while trying to stay safe from COVID-19. But what else can we do during these… weird times? A group of infectious disease epidemiologists created a four key factor ranking system: Is it in an enclosed space? How long do you interact with other people? Are there crowds? And is there “forceful exhalation,” meaning things like yelling or singing. This determines if the activity is ranked a low, medium, or high risk.
Biking, walking, and running are currently the safest activities you can partake in. They offer little to no contact with other people while still getting you active and outdoors. A picnic is also a good activity as long as everyone involved is at least six feet apart.
Playing sports outside is another way to socialize while keeping a distance. We recommend everyone involved avoid giving out high-fives and hugs. Sanitize any equipment used before and after. Shopping is now considered low risk. Avoid touching items you don’t plan on buying while keeping a social distance from fellow shoppers.
Hospitals and dentist offices are more of a risk than retail stores. You can be exposed to the virus due to the high traffic number of infected patients. If the issue isn’t serious, contact your doctor via telemedicine. Therapists are now taking in clients via Zoom and FaceTime.
It is highly encouraged to avoid parties, contact sports (football, wrestling), bars and nightclubs, public transportation, airplanes, concerts, religious services, movie theaters, and live sporting events. Many churches are now live streaming which allows you to digitally attend each service.
Summer during COVID-19 doesn’t have to suck. Go out and get some sun. It’ll help boost your immune system while brightening your mood. Wear a mask, practice social distancing, and apply hand sanitizer/wash your hands. Together we can get through this.