If any of the recent storms destroyed important documents, there is a way to get replacements. Here is a list of websites and telephone numbers:
The governor’s office has launched an online hub for Hurricane Laura information at hurricanelaura.la.gov, which highlights news and links to resources, including counseling services.
People can also text LAURA to 67283.
Birth and Death Certificates:
Website: The Louisiana Department of Health State Registrar and Vital Records Office
Birth and Death Certificates: https://ldh.la.gov/index.cfm/page/2663
Louisiana is a “closed record” state. This means that birth and death certificates are not public records. All requests for birth or death certificates must include proper identification, appropriate fees, and a completed application.
Phone: Customer Service hotline: 504-593-5100 or email dhh-vitelweb@la.gov
Louisiana Driver Licenses:
Due to COVID-19 the Office of Motor Vehicles is requiring an appointment to renew or replace your license. Please check online for a location near you; visit www.expresslane.org. Please note due to the aftermath of the storm, OMV locations in Calcasieu and Cameron parishes remain closed until further notice.
Marriage and Divorce Documents
The Louisiana Registrar and Vital Records office website is https://ldh.la.gov/index.cfm/page/2687 and has a link to request a copy of a marriage certificate. The Registry cannot issue a certified copy of a divorce decree. To obtain a certified copy of a divorce decree please contact the clerk of court in the parish where the divorce was granted.
Green Cards:
Phone: 800-375-5283
Social Security Cards:
Phone: 800-772-1213
Website: https://www.ssa.gov/ssnumber/
Identity Theft Resource Center:
Phone: 888-400-5530
Website: http://www.idtheftcenter.org/
Email: info@fightidentitytheft.com.
Medicare Cards:
Phone: 800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778)
from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.; or go to https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount/
Federal Tax Returns:
Internal Revenue Service tax relief for Hurricane Laura survivors includes expedited refunds or delayed tax filings for individuals and businesses.
The IRS announced that survivors of Hurricane Laura have until Dec. 31, 2020, to file individual and business tax returns and make tax payments.
Visit IRS.gov for more information.
Phone: 800-829-1040 TTY 800-822-4059
Website: https://www.irs.gov/uac/About-Form-4506T
USDA Farm Services
The Farm Services Agency offers a variety of loans and grants to help agricultural producers recover from production and physical losses that result from disasters.
Visit https://www.farmers.gov/recover/disaster-tool#step-1
Military Records:
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as of June 24, the National Personnel Records Center entered into Phase One of a gradual reopening process. The center is currently only servicing emergency requests associated with medical treatments, burials, homeless veterans, VA Home loan guarantees, and employment opportunities. Their telephone number is unstaffed, so please log onto and apply on-line: NPRC’s operating status.
Insurance Documents:
Louisiana Department of Insurance
The Dept of Insurance’s Storm Damage Resource Center has information to assist individuals and businesses that suffered damage in Hurricane Laura. Visit www.ldi.la.gov for answers to insurance questions or to dispute an insurance settlement
National Archives Records:
Phone: 866-272-6272
Website: https://www.archives.gov/preservation/records-emergency
Website: Saving family records: https://www.archives.gov/preservation/family-archives
To request legal help through FEMA Disaster Legal Services call 1-800-310-7029 or visit www.fema.gov or www.disasterlegalaid.org