So, Jack White III turns The BIG 4-0 today! I was looking online about facts about the man and came across this great list of 50 Geeky Facts about him on…
Here are some of my favorite facts:
We’d wager you were unaware that he initially started out as a drummer, landing his first real gig playing drums for alt-country band Goober and the Peas.
Jack’s mother is of Polish origin, whilst his father had Scottish-Canadian ancestry, which he paid homage to by utilizing bagpipes on The White Stripes’ album ‘Icky Thump’.
Jack prides himself on only recording in analog, cutting his tape himself with a razor blade. “It’s sort of like I can’t be proud of it unless I know we overcame some kind of struggle,” he told the New York Post. “The funny thing is, even musicians and producers, my peers, don’t care. Like, ‘Wow, that’s great, Jack.’ Big deal.”
He never performs with a setlist. “When we play live we put out this vibe that we’re teetering on disaster and yet it’s also teetering on something brilliant. It doesn’t feel contrived and then written on paper and performed to a script. Crowds can smell a script.”
In 2013, Jack donated $200,000 to the National Recording Preservation Foundation in an attempt to rally other industry leaders to part with their cash and “help preserve America’s radio, music and recorded sound heritage”.