If you’ve ever enjoyed a Louisiana Saturday night under the bright lights of Tiger Stadium, you have a really cool chance to see some of the most iconic areas of the arena starting next week.
Tours will be held Monday through Friday at 10 a.m. CT and 2 p.m. each day with the exception of Wednesdays when the morning tour will start at 9 a.m. Summer tours begin Monday, June 14, and run through the month of August. Fall and spring tour days and times will be announced later.
Some of the highlights of the Tiger Stadium tour include being able to walk through the Jeff Boss Locker Room, the same facility the Tigers use on game day. In addition, fans will be able to walk through the chute and touch the “WIN” bar.
Other stops along the 45-minute tour include the Bill Lawton Room, where many of LSU’s championship trophies and other memorabilia is housed; the Ready Room, and the North Stadium Plaques display where LSU’s national award winners are recognized outside of Tiger Stadium.
For more information about how to book a spot in the tour, click here.