Lt. Billy Nungesser has been working to remind residents that Louisiana is a wonderful place to live and visit. There is so much to offer and enjoy even during a pandemic. The Lt. Billy Nungesser took some to time visit and shed light on the many resources that Louisiana has to offer. Listen to the interview attached.
The year 2020 has been declared the “Year of the Louisiana Road Trip.” Now is the time to discover a park, museum, or restaurant. It’s time to finally visit the places that you have been wanting to explore. From fishing in Toledo Bend to hiking at Chicot State Park in Evangeline Parish. Louisiana parks are full of wildlife, hiking trails, fishing, and camping. Check out the LouisianaTravel.com/la-staycation. It has 15 trips complete with maps and ideas.
The year 2020 has also been the year of change. With the pandemic still looming, families are faced with virtual learning. The state of Louisiana has resources to help parents and students muster through challenging school subjects.
Homework Louisiana is a free tutoring and academic resource that connects students with certified teachers, professors, and grad students. These individuals are experts in their field and has passed a third-party security background check. This is one-on-one help in math, science, social studies, and English from a live qualified tutor.
Uniquely Louisiana is an online educational portal that houses lesson plans for teachers and students. Search for studying materials and scavenger hunts to use at state parks.
Louisiana State Parks are beginning to reopen. There are 21 parks, 18 historic sites, and 9 museums.
Find out more! Watch, Travel Talks on Facebook Live Tuesday, August 18 at 2:00 pm. Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser will be joining State Representative Rhonda Bulter live from Chicot State Park.
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