This week on Lundi Love, Mustang 107.1 is showing a little love to Tous Naturels, LLC!
Tous Naturels is owned by Lynn Norwood, a Lafayette mom who works from home. She makes homemade lotion and hand sanitizer. If you like to buy stuff grown in Louisiana, such as eggs, boudin, and cucumbers? Why wouldn’t you buy a locally concocted lotion? Seriously. The next time you apply that lotion you bought at the mall, take a look at the label. The list of ingredients is probably long, complicated and full of chemicals. The Tous Naturels lotions and body butter whipped up by Lynn Norwood have simple ingredients. Her lotions are safe for sensitive skin, so safe, a baby could use it.
I ran into Lynn Norwood at Drug Emporium. She was set up with a little table with all her Tous Naturels, LLC products lined up neatly side by side. We knew each other already. We are friends on Facebook. I liked her product page a long time ago. I had been trying to meet up with her for weeks so I could try her product. My skin is sensitive and dry. It is a life mission to find a lotion that actually works without irritation. Most lotions have too much fragrance. I like a subtle hint of a perfumy smell. According to Lynn Norwood, her Tous Naturels products have no parabens, scents, dyes, or perfume. So I grabbed the Bali Spa body butter and lotion, and Cajun Cutie Oh, So Soft Hand Sanitizer.
Right away, I noticed that the Tous Naturel hand sanitizer is different. It does not burn. Her product is gentle. Normally, I do not like hand sanitizer. The alcohol ingredient is too intense. The Tous Naturels Hand Sanitizer leaves your hands feeling softer. And according to the Tous Naturels, LLC facebook page, the Cajun Cutie Sanitizer is lab tested and has the same germ-killing power as other brands.
I also have been using her body butter all weekend. And I swear it makes my skin glow. It could have been the sun. This weekend was full of blistering sunshine, but after using her body butter my skin had an interesting glow. Either way, her body butter worked. My skin felt super smooth. Then it just feels good to use these products because you know you are not soaking up all these weird chemicals. Tous Naturels, LLC products do not have any strange ingredients. This is just one of the many reasons, we are showing some love to Tous Naturels, LLC.
The best to get in contact with Lynn Norwood is either by phone 337-384-1529 or by email or by visiting Tous Naturels Facebooks