Maker Faire Lafayette will hold a safe, socially-distant hybrid event online, at home, and in the community the week of April 5-10, 2021. The Faire will combine virtual elements, take-and-make projects to do at home, and small scale in-person events at locations in the community.
Anyone interested in participating as a Maker, volunteer or host facility for both online and in-person may visit lafayette.makerfaire.com for more information and to apply online.
“Like so many events scheduled last spring, our Maker Faire team was disappointed to cancel, but we know it was the best option to safeguard the health of our makers, attendees, staff, and volunteers,” said Amy Wander, outreach librarian at Lafayette Public Library. “We have regrouped and drawn on our experiences over the last three years to develop a plan for a whole new Maker Faire experience, and we’re excited about it.”
Since 2017, Lafayette Public Library has partnered with Lafayette Science Museum to host Maker Faire Lafayette, a free event which brings together science-enthusiasts, artists, inventors, crafters, tinkerers, artisans, and makers of all kinds to share what they make and how they make it.
This year Maker Faire Lafayette has partnered with AOC Community Media to produce this year’s virtual events with local Makers demonstrating their skills in videos online. Viewers will be invited to recreate the hands-on Maker Faire experience at home by picking up special take-and-make activity bags or using items they already have at home.
Rather than the large-scale festival style events held in the past, this year’s in-person portion of the Faire will be held at community partner locations over the course of six days. Attendees will choose from various small-scale events limited to no more than 15 socially distanced participants, with pre-registration and masks required.
“Maker Faire has always been a family-friendly interactive, hands-on event for curious people of all ages who enjoy learning new things and love sharing what they can do and make,” said Maker Faire Lafayette producer Blake Lagneaux. “We are excited to share that interactive, hands-on experience of making in a new safety-conscious format this year.”
Organizers will continue to monitor the coronavirus situation and adjust plans if necessary. Maker Faire Lafayette and any associated events will comply with all existing health and safety rules and regulations.
Follow Maker Faire Lafayette on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for the latest announcements and information.
Based on Make: magazine’s Maker Faire model, Maker Faire Lafayette celebrates everything from science, robotics, 3-D printing and other technologies to art, quilting, metalsmithing, ceramics, baking, and other hobbies and crafts.