The Governor has extended the “stay at home” order for another month due to the COVID-19 crisis. Schools will remain closed until further notice. This means no prom, no spring football, and no school-related functions. But what about high school graduating seniors.
Students were in the midst of planning ceremonies, graduation parties, and preparing to enter college. Now with a virus looming, and missed classes and tests, some students worry if graduation will still happen. According to the Department of Education, graduation will definitely happen for students who were on track to finish.
The Louisiana Department of Education has outlined guidelines for school districts. Here is what has been determined concerning course credits, requirements and graduation ceremonies.
According to this list of guidelines, individual schools will figure out how to determine course credits. Each school system will evaluate each student’s grades for the year and determine if the student demonstrated proficiency for each subject. Schools will have the option to either award a pass or fail for the year or award a letter grade. Parents and teachers will collaborate.
Students hoping to graduate this year can still earn a diploma. Some of the testing requirements, such as LEAP testing, achieving industry-based credentials and taking the ACT have all been waived for enrolled seniors planning to graduate high school by August 31, 2020. If a student needs to take the ACT for scholarship applications, the test will be administered on June 2, 2020.
If a senior student was participating in dual enrollment, an opportunity will be given to finish the course through distance learning or the student will be allowed to withdraw from the class without penalty.
Diplomas will arrive on schedule, printed and ready to distribute.
Individual schools will be able to decide if a graduation ceremony will be held. Depending on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic, the graduation ceremony could be scheduled to take place later in the summer or schools have the option of holding a virtual ceremony.
Graduating senior planning on attending college should still apply for financial aid for the upcoming year. It is a requirement for TOPS. The academic requirement for TOPS is unchanged.
If you have any questions concerning High School seniors and graduation, click here.
Resources: COVID-19 Louisiana Believes
Source: Senior Course and Credit – Louisiana Believes