The New Year is here and if there is the best time to start with something new, this would be the best time. It’s New Year’s resolution time and how many of us start off the year full of energy and determination to make a change for a better life or health of financial situation. But when it’s time for the rubber to hit the road and put in the effort and hard work to make the resolution a reality, then some of us start to Peter out because let’s face it. To make a change it will take much effort, time, sacrifice and determination on your part. Let’s be real when your juggling a job, the crazy boss, finances and just life, in general, all of this combination can take up a lot of your time. And in many instances, we don’t have the time to make this a reality. The question is can you find the time and put forth the energy it takes to make it happen?
According to House Method.com where you live can make a difference in the success rate of your resolution. House Method took a look at the top cities throughout the country and the website focused on four of the top resolutions including exercise, eating healthy, finances and reducing stress. You have to admit a majority of the resolutions we hear do involve health or losing weight, saving money and increasing the quality of life. They then crunched the numbers to rank the top cities for keeping their New Year’s resolution. So YES where you live does make a big difference in keeping to your New Year’s commitment and it does not look good for us here in Louisiana.

If you’re looking to improve your health situation or lose weight according to the study the best places to live would be Scottsdale, AZ. Plus Scottsdale is also the place to live if you want to reduce stress which made Arizona city #1 overall. The remaining top cities for healthy living includes Jersey City, NJ, Anaheim, CA, and Minneapolis, MN
One the lower side of the spectrum the worst city to live in to fulfill or not complete your commitment is Bakersfield, CA. Bakersfield did not score well in any of the four categories. The other cities ranking at the bottom of the list are Toledo, OH, Baton Rouge, LA, Stockton, CA, and Jacksonville, FL.
There were two Louisiana which made the list are Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Here are the rankings for each city.
Baton Rouge Overall Rank 97, exercise rank 92, healthy eating rank 60, save money rank 69 and reduce stress rank 87.
New Orleans ranked somewhat better than Baton Rouge at 90. Here is the overall ranking in each category. Exercise 37, healthy eating rank 99, save money rank 97, reduce stress rank 46.
See the complete 100 ranking and methodology here.