Register now for the Tour des Atakapas!
It’s the official race of Festivals Acadiens et Creoles. Warm up your dancing legs with a 10k or 5k.
You also have the option of competing in the Duathlon! Run 1.5 miles, paddle, and 1.5-mile run! You can use any human-powered boat. Both races end up at Girard Park just before Festival Acadien et Creole.
The race is on October 16, 2022, at 8 am. Participating supports community projects and also supports Festival Acadien et Creoles. Join us! Let’s have some fun running and paddling around the city of Lafayette.
TRAIL also needs volunteers to help with this event and future events. Volunteers have a great time! Each person helping out will get free food, fun drinks, a shirt, and new friends! Register now.
Transportation Recreation Alternatives In Louisiana
Creating a better community by building and maintaining opportunities for outdoor recreation. Not only do we establish and support places for you to run, paddle, walk, or ride, but we also give you many opportunities to do so through the events TRAIL produces.