11 Apps Kids Feel Parents Ruined In 2015

As a wise man once said, “Parents just don’t understand…and will probably embarrass the crap out of you on social media; block them immediately.” The following are 11 apps that kids think parents TOTALLY ruined this year:
1. Starbucks: Moms everywhere love the app, making it the bane of your existence.

2. Snapchat: When you helped your parents create a Snapchat account, did you think, Hey, this is a great way for my parents to get a firsthand look at my life crumbling around me?

3. Facebook: Sorry, kids, Facebook is officially for the olds. Take your business elsewhere.
Yeah, definitely Facebook.

4. Acapella: LOL.

5. Find My Friends: Great for when you want to find your friends, awful if your parents are among them.
6. WhatsApp: Any app that notes when you are and are not online is probably a bad one to share with your parents.
7. Twitter: Imagine a world where your mom tweets at you and says, “Is this a private message?”
8. Candy Crush: Don’t ever let your parents tell you they don’t have a vice.
9. Tinder: Your parents don’t even have to be on the app to ruin it for you.
But don’t kid yourself, it’s EVEN WORSE when they are on it.
10. Instagram: Just a friendly photo-sharing social media app, right? LOL, you are so naive.
11. Spotify: The emotional toll of sharing a Spotify Premium account with your parents far outweighs the cost of paying for your own.
