One of our listeners, Cindy Bernard Sarver, told me about this yesterday! There’s a massive community art project going on in Lafayette Parish – Find and Give Happiness with ROCKS!!!
Residents of Lafayette Parish are invited to find or purchase rocks and paint them, (something inspiring or that would make someone smile), then place them throughout the city!
And if you find a rock…post a picture or video of where you found it, or of you holding it – and visit the facebook page “Lafayette Parish ROCKS!”
If you choose to decorate a rock, here’s what to do:
– Get a rock… doesn’t matter what kind… they can be found on the ground (obviously) or purchased.
– Put the FB group name “Lafayette Parish ROCKS!” on the back, so whomever finds it will know to look it up and post pictures. Either a permanent marker or paint works just fine. You may need to shorten message to something like “FB @ Lafayette (or Laf.) Parish Rocks” – but if it’s a larger rock, you could fit more, like “Post Pic & Pass on”.
– If you want to keep the rock you find, be sure you replace it with a rock that you have painted… but if you just want to keep it and can’t paint, that’s ok too!
– Hide all rocks OUTDOORS, (PLEASE don’t hide them indoors at any stores, businesses, etc.).
– Use paints that will withstand weather, (such as acrylic or patio paint) and use a clear coat, (such as mod podge or polyurethane spray) to seal it if you can so it will last a long time.
– TAKE A PIC AND POST TO THE FACEBOOK GROUP AND SHARE YOUR STORY! You can also post pics of your painted rocks before hiding them.
– Since children will see the rocks as well as these FB posts, please no inappropriate paintings or comments. Any inappropriate posts WILL BE DELETED IMMEDIATELY……