Apparently today is National VCR Day. Why is this an actual thing in 2017?
It seems like every day is a national “fill in the blank” day, but a day to recognize technology that is pretty much obsolete in 2017 seems strange. That’s when I discovered the VHS subreddit. At first, I was blown away that people actually do collect them, then I realized that guys like the Angry Video Game Nerd collect video games from the 80’s and 90’s. I can’t hate on wanting to preserve some of the history to help us remember how difficult things used to be (“Be Kind, Rewind” anyone?).
That being said, the inner nerd in me loves to see what’s made these old school VCR machines work so I had to see how these machines worked from the inside. This makes me want to grab an old VCR and try and get it back in working condition.