It is unreasonable to expect everyone to fully disinfect their home and car each day, instead, experts recommend focusing your efforts on high-touch areas.
Why? High-touch areas pose a higher risk of transmission since they’re the ones that you’re most likely to have contact with immediately before touching your face, or that you’re likely to touch after you’ve coughed or sneezed but before you’re able to wash your hands.
• Doorknobs and handles
• Handles on furniture and appliances
• Tables, desks and hard-backed chairs
• Light switches
• Faucets and sinks
• Toilet flusher
• Toiletries and makeup
• Hand and dish towels
• Handbags, tote bags, laptop
bags, etc
• Steering wheels
• Phones
• Television or game system remote controllers
High-touch areas should be cleaned and disinfected regularly with a product appropriate for the material or surface type that is included on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) list of disinfectants for Use against SARS-CoV-2.