Well, it seems while Nintendo is on a hot streak at the moment with stocks rising because of the Pokémon GO that they would just go ahead and drop another nugget of goodness on us via Facebook. My fellow friends of the mid 80’s and early 90’s… they just announced that the NES is coming back to stores! You will be able to pick up the Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition on 11/11, a new mini NES that lets you plug in and play 30 included games like Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man 2 and Castlevania! Yeah, this is going to look real nice next to my OG NES on my game shelf… I wonder if they’ll make a mini version of the Power Glove that you can wear on your fingers and play Rad Racer?! LoLz!
Update: The mini-NES will cost about $60 and will come pre-installed with 30 classic Nintendo games. It’ll also come with an HDMI cable, a power adapter, and what Nintendo is calling an NES Classic Controller, “patterned after the iconic design of the original NES controller.” Click here for the list of games via Kotaku.com!